Our Modules
Client Management
List clients easily.
Track all client activity.
Easily manage client contacts.
Set client priority levels.
Pitch & Proposal Management
Set pitches for clients.
Assign pitch amounts to multiple stations.
Assign pitch amounts to elements.
Track pitch progress.
Confirm or deny pitch acceptance.
Manage your meeting schedule.
Assign reminders for client contact.
Assign business reminders.
Set pitch dates for clients.
Email reminders to your inbox daily.
Weekly email reminders.
Dashboard notification of to-do tasks.
Creative Management
** Coming Soon **
Contact us to find out more.
Monthly and quarterly revenue tracking.
Monthly and quarterly forecasting.
Revenue pacing vs previous years.
Multiple key performance indicators.
Recent pitch performance.
Active pitch progress.
Client activity.
Contact Us
To find out how BravOH can help
you empower your sales teams

Call us today or
email us right now
or swing by the office